Sweet Infatuations

[Friday, April 9, 2010]

Feeling Meaty?

Being in Australia, there's one thing that you have to master and simply have during a nice quiet weekend which is a good piece of steak. Thanks to the fresh market and abundant supply of meat ,I would like to present a good fashion " American Dream " & a few kinks to a traditional western meal.

STEAK with steamed vegetables, accompanied by sweet potato mash and battered onion rings

Ingredients based on a two people serve

1.Pieces of Steak ( to your liking ), T-bone steak please!
- Two small corn
- Bunch of broccoli
- 2 x Sweet potato
- 2 x Large White Onion ( diced into circular rings )
- a cup of diced mushrooms
3. Fresh Thickened Cream
4. Herbs ( fresh optional) & Minced garlic
5. Plain Flour
6.Vegetable Oil

Marinate the Steak, with a dash of Worcester sauce. Put in the barbecue sauce and add a tsp of minced garlic. Pour in steak spices and a generous amounts of cracked black pepper. A pinch of salt. Please have it placed in the fridge for a good 30 Min's to an hour. The longer the marinate, the better it is.

Boil a medium sized pot of water and place your sweet potato in and let it boil till it gets soft which is about 30 Min's. Once soft, Put the already boiled sweet potato into the blender. Let it blend with a tbsp of butter and add 2 tbsp of cream. For extra excitement , blend in fresh herbs with salt & pepper to taste. Blend till it becomes a beautiful golden texture with hints of the herbs in there. Now, let this chill in the fridge in a steel bowl to speed up the process.

Use, the already boiled pot for your broccoli. Using a Chinese steam bamboo container, to allow the broccoli to steam rather than boil in the hot water. This would retain the vitamins and the crunchy texture of the vegetable. Let is steam for a good 15 Min's to 20 Min's . Again, this is based on how hot the water is. Put aside once done.

Now, use another set of fresh water to boil the corn for a good 20 Min's. Again, taste the kernels to see whether its cooked. Once ready, Put it into a bowl and take a spoon filled with butter to butter the corn well. Add some salt and it's all ready.

Take out a small frying pan and fill it with vegetable oil. While it's heating up on regular heat, take this time to get the batter ready. For the batter, you will need one cup plain flour with 1/3 to 2/3 of water. Test it so that it becomes almost a sticky paste . Add salt and cracked pepper. Dip the already cut onion rings so its well coated. Fry them once the oil is ready. Give them at least a good 5 Min's on each side, till it turns a Golden brown. Sprinkle some sea salt once they are plated.

Sauce is a quick fix, heat up a small pot with one tbsp of olive oil and a dash of butter. Brown the cut mushrooms till they become a nice buttery smell. Pour in a cup of thick cream, stir and put in a dash of salt and pepper. This should turn into a mushroom gravy. ( You can change up the gravy into pepper, garlic & etc)

Finally, the steak is ready to be cooked. This is the easiest, with a tbsp of butter. Fry them according to how you would like them to be. Medium rare is always good!

Plate the meal together, As demonstrated on the picture!


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